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Writer: Dr Shailendra GoelDr Shailendra Goel

It is a non-contagious infection of the prostate. The bacteria that produces it can enter the prostate from infected urine. Both acute and chronic prostatitis can be treated with antibiotics, however, non-infectious prostatitis is not treated with antibiotics, but the treatment is performed with muscle relaxants, sitz baths and prostate massages, explains urologist in Noida.

The prostate is a gland that only the man has and that is in front of the rectum (final part of the digestive tract) and just below the bladder (where urine is stored). The normal prostate is the size of a nut and its weight is 20 grams. The urethra passes through this gland (a tube that carries urine from the bladder to the tip of the penis).

The prostate is made up of glands and muscular stroma. Its function is to produce liquids that bind to semen (fluid that carries sperm produced in the testis). During orgasm (final part of the sexual act) the muscular stroma contracts and expels sperm. Prostatitis is not contagious and is not considered a sexually transmitted disease. It is not known with certainty what is the cause for which prostatitis occurs. Bacteria can ascend from the outside through the walls of the urethra and infect the prostate tissue.


Acute prostatitis

It is produced by bacteria and as its name indicates it appears sharply and manifests itself by fever, chills, difficulty and pain when urinating. It is a severe condition that sometimes requires immediate admission to inject antibiotics directly into a vein, says urologist in Greater Noida.

Chronic prostatitis

It is also produced by bacteria but does not occur abruptly and the symptoms are less intense characterized by discomfort under the testicles or below the navel. It is associated with repeated urinary infections. The patient does not need to be admitted. It is treated with antibiotics by mouth.

Non-infectious prostatitis (prostatedynia)

These are caused by bacteria and their cause is unknown. Antibiotics are not effective, says urologist in Ghaziabad.

There are certain conditions or procedures that increase the risk of getting a prostatitis:

a) Recently placed some instrument through the urethra (probe, cystoscope, etc.).

b) Perform sexual intercourse.

c) Have some abnormality in the urinary tract.

d) Having recently had a urine infection.

e) Having a large prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

According to the best urologist in Noida, the symptoms of prostatitis will depend on the type of illness you have. You may not feel anything or have symptoms so abrupt and severe that they force you to go to an emergency service. When there are symptoms, they can be any of the following: fever, chills (shivering), urinating very frequently during the day or night, difficulty urinating, burning when passing urine, pain between the testicles and anus (perineum), blood in the urine (hematuria) or pain during ejaculation.

The symptoms of prostastitis can simulate the symptoms presented by other prostate diseases such as benign prostatic hyperplasia or urethritis (inflammation and infection of the urethra).


To facilitate the diagnosis of prostatitis the doctor will perform a rectal examination (put a finger in the rectum to find out about the size of the prostate, the consistency, the presence of pain, hard nodules suspected of tumor, inflammation or accumulation of pus). If your doctor suspects that you have a prostatitis, he will send you to a urologist in Sector 93 Noida to confirm the diagnosis.

When a prostatitis is suspected, a prostate massage should be performed to collect fluid produced in the gland and study it with the microscope to find bacteria or leukocytes (indirect sign of the presence of infection)


The treatment is different depending on the type of prostatitis you present. If you have acute prostatitis, you will probably need to be admitted to administer antibiotics directly into a vein for 2 or 3 days and upon discharge you should continue with antibiotics by mouth for 2-3 weeks.

Chronic prostatitis will need antibiotics for a longer period of time and ranges between 4 and 12 weeks, which results in the disappearance of the condition in approximately 60% of cases. For cases that do not respond to this treatment, low dose treatment will be needed for a longer time.

If you have a prostatodynia, you do not need to receive antibiotics and, depending on the symptoms you present, you will need other medications such as alpha blockers (substances that relax the muscle in the prostate, which reduces the difficulty in urinating). Sitz baths and diet can help you improve your symptoms.


Although prostatitis does not favor the onset of cancer, remember that after 50 years of age you should be checked annually by a urologist in Vaishali to detect early onset of prostate cancer. In case you have family members who have had prostate cancer (father, siblings, grandfather, uncles), the control should begin at 40 years of age as recommended by the best urologist in Ghaziabad.



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