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7 reasons to look for a urologist urgently!

Writer's picture: Dr Shailendra GoelDr Shailendra Goel

Although we are experiencing a difficult and delicate situation, some diseases and clinical conditions cannot wait for the end of the pandemic. Acute testicular pain and renal colic are examples of often critical situations that require urgent evaluation by the best urologist in Noida.

What does the urologist treat?

First of all, it is important to clarify which organs the urologist in Noida works in.

Although known as a prostate doctor, this specialist takes care of the urinary tract of men and women and the reproductive system of men. Therefore, the urologist treats diseases that affect the kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate, urethra, penis and testicles.

Among the main diseases of these organs, we have cancers (usual acinar adenocarcinoma of the prostate, testicular cancer (“lump in the testicle”), carcinoma of the kidneys, bladder and others). In addition to these, these organs can be affected by inflammatory and infectious diseases (cystitis, urinary infections, acute prostatitis, sexually transmitted diseases STDs) and benign alterations, such as renal and testicular cysts, hydrocele, pain in the testicles (testicular torsion) among others.

What are the reasons to see a urologist urgently?

When we talk about emergency situations, it is important to know that it is about the need to look for a doctor or health unit for an evaluation in the next few hours or up to 2 days.

So, what are the 7 reasons to see a urologist?

Despite the dramatic situation we are experiencing, during the new coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, there are some signs and problems that cannot wait, and it may be too late with irreversible loss of the affected organ or important worsening of the condition.

The main reasons to seek an emergency urologist in Ghaziabad are:

  • acute urinary retention

  • Renal colic (ureterolithiasis)

  • Urinary tract infections (cystitis and pyelonephritis)

  • pain in testicles

  • paraphimosis

  • penis fracture

  • Bleeding in the urine (hematuria)

Acute Urinary Retention

Acute urinary retention means difficulty or inability to urinate. Urine is produced but for some reason is unable to be eliminated through the urethra. Urine is formed in the kidneys and stored in the bladder, which is an organ that has a large muscle and is responsible for urination. Acute urinary retention can occur in both sexes, but it affects more men. The reason is the presence of the prostate, an organ that only they have. The normal size of the prostate at age 70 is usually larger than the normal size of the prostate in young adults. In cases of urinary retention, the diagnosis is clinical. Ultrasonography can sometimes aid the diagnosis. In these cases, the MRI of the prostate will not bring more data.

That is, with age, the prostate tends to grow and can become a barrier to the passage of urine from the bladder. In this situation, the patient has pain in the abdomen and an increase in the volume of the belly in the lower part (bladder). If you are faced with this situation, urgent evaluation is necessary for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Renal colic

The presence of kidney stones can lead to a well-known clinical condition, renal colic. This problem is a symptom manifestation when a kidney stone goes down the ureter canal and gets stuck in the middle, causing a blockage of the urine produced in the kidney, the hydronephrosis. Renal cramps can have many reasons, the most common being the presence of a stone in the ureter (ureterolithiasis). The pain is intense, can lead to vomiting and if it does not improve with medication, urgent assessment should be considered. In some patients, surgery for kidney stone treatment in Noida will be necessary.

Urinary infection

Urine infection is a common problem especially in young women. Lower urinary tract infection, known as cystitis, is clinically easy to identify and simple to treat in most cases. When the patient performs tests, it is possible to identify the bacteria that is causing the problem. Attention should be redoubled when this infection does not resolve or when other symptoms appear, such as fever, low back pain (back pain) and malaise. This picture may be compatible with a kidney infection, acute pyelonephritis. It is a serious problem and requires urgent evaluation for immediate treatment, sometimes requiring hospitalization.

Pain in the testicles (testicular torsion)

The testes are 2 important male organs. They are responsible for man’s virility and fertility, and their main functions are the production of the male hormone (testosterone) and the production of sperm. Testicular pain is common, but acute testicular pain is rare and can be associated with a serious problem: acute testicular torsion. Testicular torsion is more common in childhood and young adults.

We still do not know exactly what the reasons for the predisposition of this problem are. In these affected men, the blood vessels that carry blood to the testicle turn around on their own axis, causing a pause in the organ’s irrigation, which leads to a heart attack or cell death and loss of testicle function. Therefore, severe and acute testicular pain should be taken seriously and need to be evaluated immediately by the best urologist in Ghaziabad.


Phimosis is a common problem that many people know about or have heard of. It is a narrowing of the skin of the penis that makes it difficult or impossible to expose the head of the penis (glans). It is a clinical condition that is often born and can be treated with postectomy, the surgery for phimosis. Paraphimosis is not the same as phimosis and should not be confused. This problem occurs in an acute way, due to an inflammation in the skin of the foreskin, generating a thick ring causing a strangulation of the head of the penis. It presents with intense pain and swelling, especially when not resolved promptly. After the initial evaluation and treatment, the removal of the foreskin (postectomy) should be performed at an opportune time.

Penis fracture

This is an unusual and fortunately rare problem. Although the penis does not have bone in its composition, when it is erect, its musculature is so rigid that when subjected to an intense impact it can tear, which is known as a penis fracture. The main time this can happen is during vigorous intercourse, especially in certain positions during the act. A click is heard and the patient has intense pain, evolving with a soft penis followed by an enormous swelling with a bruise, similar to an eggplant. Prompt evaluation and correction, in most cases surgical, should be done as soon as possible. This prevents the patient from developing erectile dysfunction and other organ changes.

Bleeding in the urine (hematuria)

Any bleeding that comes out of our body is often frightening and a cause for concern. The presence of blood in the urine (hematuria) can represent a number of clinical conditions. In most patients, the main reason is linked to urinary infection or kidney stones. However, bleeding in urine of moderate amount and bright color requires more attention. First, if there are clots, they can block the output of urine causing acute urinary retention. Second, the diagnosis could be bladder cancer or kidney cancer. Then, at the slightest sign of blood in the urine or hematuria, an urgent evaluation by urologist in Greater Noida is necessary.

If you already understand how to behave in the face of the reasons to see an emergency urologist, but still want to know more, be sure to seek more information, contact a urologist in Delhi or go to the emergency room. At this point, despite the guidance to avoid the hospital, there are situations in which following this rule can bring irreversible harm.


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