Prevention and well-being
Often, when prostate cancer is detected early, it is not necessary to proceed to aggressive prostate cancer treatment in Noida by opting only for close surveillance.
The prostate is a small gland in man, the size and shape of a walnut. It is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum and surrounds the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside). Its function is to produce a white fluid that is part of the sperm. With advancing age, the prostate tends to increase in size (it is not known exactly why) and, when it becomes too big, it can cause health problems, explains the urologist in Noida.
Talk to your doctor if you notice …
If you notice any of the following symptoms, you should consult your urologist in Noida to assess the presence of a prostate problem.
Willingness to urinate frequently
Waking up several times during the night to urinate
Blood in urine or semen
Pain or burning when urinating
Pain on ejaculation
Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, pelvic, rectal or thighs
Involuntary loss of urine
The most common prostate problems
Consult your urologist in Greater Noida to see if your symptoms are due to any of the following problems:
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Very common in men over 55, it occurs when the prostate enlarges. Annual check-up by the urologist in Greater Noida may be sufficient; if treatment is needed, it may include the prescription of medications that help to reduce the size of the gland or to relax the muscles that are close to it, or even surgery.
Acute bacterial prostatitis
It has its origin in a bacterial infection and appears suddenly. If you develop fever, chills or pain in conjunction with the above symptoms, especially difficulty passing urine, consult your attending physician. Most of these cases are treated with antibiotics and medications to relieve pain or discomfort.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
This infection is recurrent: it is always appearing and disappearing and can be difficult to treat; prolonged antibiotic use may be indicated.
Chronic prostatitis
It can cause pain in the lower back, groin or penis. Its treatment may involve a combination of drugs, surgery and lifestyle changes.
Prostate cancer
The likelihood of developing prostate cancer can be influenced by several factors:
age (men over 50 are at higher risk)
family history (if the father or brother has it, the risk is higher)
diet, which when rich in fat increases the likelihood of its development
Through a prostate exam, your urologist in Ghaziabad will be able to assess whether your symptoms are due to possible cancer and prostate cancer treatment in Ghaziabad will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
Tips to prevent prostate problems
To some extent, prostate problems are naturally associated with aging. There are, however, some strategies that urologist in Ghaziabad suggests that you can adopt to keep this gland healthier, such as:
Follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Eat fatty fish rich in omega-3s and foods rich in good fats, such as avocado, nuts and olives.
Avoid processed foods high in sugar and saturated fat.
Stay well hydrated by drinking water.
Drink tea, namely green and hibiscus tea, both rich in antioxidants. It is important, however, to prefer teas without caffeine, which can irritate the prostate and bladder.
Have good intimate hygiene, keeping the genitals clean.
Exercise (moderate or vigorous) and control weight.
Do good stress management: stress can lead to unconscious and persistent contraction of the pelvic muscles, which, in the long run, can cause problems in the prostate. Try therapy, meditation or exercises like yoga.