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Lithotripsy - A Painless Way to Get Rid of Kidney Stones

Writer: Dr Shailendra GoelDr Shailendra Goel

Lithotripsy is a medical procedure used for certain types of kidney stone treatment in Noida and calculi in other organs, such as the gallbladder or liver.

Kidney stones appear when minerals and other substances in the urine crystallize in the kidneys, forming solid masses or stones. These may contain small sharpened crystals or stronger and harder formations. In general, they exit the body naturally during urination.

However, sometimes the body cannot remove large structures through urination. This can cause kidney damage.

People with kidney stones may have bleeding, severe pain or urinary tract infections. When stones begin to cause these types of problems, your urologist in Noida may suggest lithotripsy.

How does lithotripsy work?

Lithotripsy uses sound waves to break down large kidney stones into smaller pieces. These sound waves, also known as shock waves, help disintegrate calculations into small fragments.

The most common form of lithotripsy is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and is a non-invasive surgical method of renal lithiasis that uses shock waves, directed on a small portion of the body, corresponding to the calculation.

Extracorporeal means “outside the body”. In this case, it refers to the source of the shock waves. During the extracorporeal lithotripsy procedure with shock waves, a special device, called lithotripter, generates shock waves. The waves reach the body and crush the calculation without causing any injuries.

This method appeared in the early 1980s, being noninvasive, slightly painful, fast and associated with the least side effects and complications and with a much faster recovery than other medical interventions.

ESWL was an important success, rapidly replacing surgery as the treatment of choice for eliminating large kidney stones.

During the procedure, several radiographs are obtained to check the state of the calculations present in the body. Lithotripsy takes about 45 minutes – one hour.

Before the procedure, the patient will be given a form of anesthesia (local, regional or general), so that there is no pain. Then it will be lowered into a large tub or basin and sunk to the shoulders.

The shock waves are sent through the water and the body. The patient’s body has the same acoustic properties as water, not being affected by shock waves.

After ESWL, the remaining stone remnants are removed from the kidney or ureter by urination.

How to prepare before a lithotripsy?

It is important to discuss with your urologist in Ghaziabad about any type of prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines or supplements you are given. Certain drugs may interfere with the ability of the blood to coagulate properly.

Surely, the best urologist in Ghaziabad will ask you to stop taking these drugs long before the procedure. However, you should not stop taking your medication unless your urologist in Vaishali recommends it.

Some people undergo this type of kidney stone treatment in Ghaziabad under local anesthesia, which cushions the area in question to prevent pain. However, in most cases, people prefer to have this intervention under general anesthesia, being asleep throughout the procedure.

If you are under general anesthesia, the best urologist in Noida recommends that you do not drink or eat anything for at least six hours before performing the examination.

Moreover, after the procedure is over, you should ask a friend or family member to take you home because general anesthesia can cause you to be drowsy and you should not drive until the side effects are completely gone.

What to expect during lithotripsy?

Usually, lithotripsy is done in an outpatient style. This means that you must go to the hospital or clinic on the day of the procedure and you will leave the same day.

Before surgery, you must change into a hospital gown and lie down on an examination table on a soft, water-filled pillow. You will stay that way while the procedure is taking place. After its completion, you will be given sedation and relaxation medicines and antibiotics to fight possible infections.

During lithotripsy, high energy shock waves will pass through the body until they reach kidney stones. The waves will break the calculations into very small formations, which can be easily eliminated through the urinary system.

Although the energy released on the calculation is very high, the side effects on the kidney are small. In a few days the kidney function is normal and there are no distant consequences.

After the procedure, you will spend approximately two hours in the recovery room before being sent home. In some cases, you may be hospitalized overnight.

You should plan to spend one day to two days resting at home after lithotripsy. Also, urologist in Greater Noida recommends to drink a considerable amount of water for several weeks after the intervention. This will help the kidneys to remove any remaining stone fragments.

The risks of lithotripsy

Like most medical procedures, certain risks are involved in lithotripsy.

As a result of the intervention, you may suffer internal bleeding and a blood transfusion may be required. Furthermore, you can develop infections and even kidney damage when a stone fragment blocks the flow of urine from the kidneys. The procedure can affect your kidneys and there are chances that they will no longer function normally.

After completion of lithotripsy, serious complications that may occur are high blood pressure and renal failure.

Long-term perspective for people with kidney disease

In general, the long-term perspective is good for people with kidney disease. The recovery may vary depending on the number and size of the calculations, but normally lithotripsy can eliminate them completely.

In some cases, additional treatments may be needed. While lithotripsy works well for most people, there are chances to form other calculations in the body.

Therefore, preventive measures must be taken, such as sufficient hydration, lifestyle modification and avoidance of calcium supplementation, recommends urologist in Delhi.



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